Good Drugs – EnLineaNoticias

2024-05-22 14:00:52

Spanish thinker and creator Miguel de Unamuno is believed to have stated this; “The craziest factor in the home is the thoughts.”
He argued that this occurs as a result of sudden psychological constructions develop within the human mind that, if left unchecked, defy motive itself and throw tens of millions of neurons into chaos.
The human mind; Unamuno stated the person was appearing like he was “loopy.”

Within the present period of “synthetic intelligence”, struggle and violence, the place it appears “everyone seems to be towards everybody”, it’s essential to settle down the “loopy La Casa” and one of the best drugs is
Studying, music or cultural efficiency.

Doing the above is a vital “verify” as a result of it removes the “craziness” out of your thoughts and retains you logical and rational, wholesome and calm.

Nehru stated that tradition is the broadening of thoughts and spirit.

The above usually are not skilled dwelling treatments, simply outdated recommendation from an outdated man, who’s already outdated however nonetheless a wholesome and calm outdated man who doesn’t take any medicines.

Books are buddies and academics; when studying, I’ll really feel comforted and disappointment can be forgotten; A smart man stated: “I really feel that I really like myself they usually love me too. With a guide in my hand, I really feel that I’m nonetheless alive.” ”

The “physician” (creator) really useful for session is Cesar Vidal, who in his guide “Cultural Roads” “What You Have to Learn, See and Hear” (Planet España Mexico NOLA Editorial) The secrets and techniques of guiding us, instructing us and telling us our psychological steadiness are books that we must always at all times learn.

1).- What are the 49 traditional texts? A must-read in Antiquity and the Center Ages, and offers us some names which, for causes of area, I cannot in all circumstances point out in full
However I dare to irresponsibly level out the next factors:
“The Iliad” – Homer
Cicero – Concerning the Republic
uetium – The Lives of the Twelve Caesars
Seneca – Letters of Lucilius
Dante Alighieri – The Divine Comedy
Geoffrey Chaucer – “The Canterbury Tales”
Giovanni Boccaccio – The Decameron
Francesco Petracca – Songbook
2).-Fifty ideological works.
Confucius – The Analects of Confucius
Plato-Socrates Apology
Plato – “Symposium” or “Love”
Aristotle-Nicomachean Ethics
Thomas Aquinas – Wonderful Theology
Niccolò Machiavelli – The Prince
Tommaso Campanella – Metropolis of the Solar
Immanuel Kant – Critique of Pure Cause
Jean Jacques Rousseau – Social Contract Principle
Alexis de Tocqueville – Democracy in America
3).- 100 must-read traditional novels.
Miguel de Cervantes – Don Quixote
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe-Faustow
Alexandre Dumas – The Three Musketeers
Gabriel Garcia Marquez – One Hundred Years of Solitude
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry – The Little Prince
George Orwell – 1984
Boris Pasternak – “Physician Zhivago”
Carlos Fuentes – Demise of Artemio Cruz
Julio Cortázar – Hopscotch
Marcel Proust – In Search of Misplaced Time
4).- Inexcusable readings of fifty poets.
Gutierre de Cetina
Frey Luis de Leon
Lope Vega
William Shakespeare
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
charles baudelaire
Federico Garcia Lorca
Boris Pasternak
5).- Go to ten essential museums
Prado Museum
Louvre Museum
british museum
Delphi Museum
Egyptian Nationwide Museum, Cairo
Hermitage Museum
Vatican Museums
Uffizi Museum
Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna
nationwide museum artwork gallery london
6).- Sixty-five architectural works
Taj Mahal
the good wall of china
Egyptian Pyramids
Pyramid of the Solar, Teotihuacan, Mexico
Ball Sport Tiger Temple
Machu Picchu, Peru
Chichen Itza, Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico
Cathedral of Toledo, Spain
kremlin moscow russia
Farnese Sangallo Palace
Michelangelo in Rome, Italy
St. Paul’s Cathedral, London
canterbury cathedral england
7).- 100 work
Altamira cave work, Santander, Spain
Fra’s announcement. Angelico, Madrid
The vaults of the Zixtina church designed by Michelangelo Rom
“Adam and Eve” by Albrecht Dürer
“The Blind Hen” by Francisco de Goya
Cathedral of Camille Cologne
Self-portrait of Albrecht Dürer
“The Graces” by Pedro Pablo Rubens
“Vulcan Fragua” by Diego Velazquez
Pablo Picasso “Women of Avignon”

We’ll cowl these subjects extensively within the second a part of this collaboration.

Don’t forget that the liberty that have to be given to the folks is tradition.

#Good #Drugs #EnLineaNoticias

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