Good luck and happy untangling 2024-05-11 05:06:57

In his statement he emphasizes that Pavlos Polakis “wasted no time and “torn” journalists”

The entire announcement

As long as some continue to play in a peculiar daily apolitical-polarization reality show, we will continue to highlight the real issues of citizens, the policies we implement in the daily effort to improve their daily lives and the stakes of the upcoming European elections.

First we had Mr. Kasselakis trying unsuccessfully to cover up his ignorance of the percentage of GDP that goes to Health.

After his statements about murderers-ministers that his press representative tried to collect.

And yesterday, the President of SYRIZA gave the signal to “tear us apart”. Mr. Polakis did not waste a minute. He came out and “ripped off” journalists, cartoonists, even SYRIZA executives, whom he accused of “getting it” from pharmaceutical companies.

Today Mr. Karameros admitted that he speaks differently to the cameras and differently on the tours, confirming the absolute hypocrisy of SYRIZA.

And the sad reality of daily targeting, prescriptions and vulgarity, with which they cover up their inadequacy, ignorance and lack of political proposals, continues.

Good luck to them and good luck!

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#Good #luck #happy #untangling

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