good sleep can alleviate memory loss

2023-05-05 13:25:00

The Alzheimer’s disease is a disease neurodegenerative which involves the degeneration of nerve cells. This disease involves a progressive loss of memory and certain intellectual (cognitive) functions leading to repercussions in the activities of daily living. Memory loss is the first symptom.

A news study found a way toreduce this symptom in people affected by the disease. You should have a good sleep ! Deep sleep may help slow memory decline, according to researchers at the University of California, Berkeley.

The study was published in BMC Medicine.

Deep sleep may be a protective factor against memory decline

Deep sleep may act as a “cognitive reserve factor” that may increase resilience against a brain protein called beta-amyloid which is related to memory loss caused by dementia. The disturbed sleep has previously been linked to faster accumulation of beta-amyloid protein in the brain, which is conducive to the onset of Alzheimer’s disease.

The new study now shows that deep, slow-wave sleep can act as a protective factor against memory decline in people already affected by Alzheimer’s disease.

“People should be aware that despite some level of pathology, certain lifestyle factors will help to mitigate and lessen the effects,” says Zsófia Zavecz, postdoctoral researcher at UC Berkeley’s Center for Human Sleep Science. “one of these factors is sleep and, more specifically, deep sleep”.

Alzheimer’s: Lack of sleep can promote its onset

“Sleep is a fundamental element of memory retentionThe UC Berkeley team previously found that a person’s decreasing amount of deep sleep may be conducive to a faster rate of future beta-amyloid accumulation in the brain. phenomenon makes dementia more likely to set in.

“Could sleep be one of those missing pieces in the explanatory puzzle that would tell us exactly why two people with the same amounts of vicious and severe amyloid pathology have very different symptoms.”

The study therefore implies that we could act against memory loss.

The researchers conducted their test on several participants affected by Alzheimer’s to reach this conclusion. After sleeping, participants were asked to perform memory tests of matching names to faces.

Participants who had better sleep got best results in the memory test. The study was also conducted on a healthy group. In this group without pathology, deep sleep had no effect on memory.

This suggests that sleep helps rescue memory function in the face of brain pathology.

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