Goodbye play goodbye: millions of kids return to classrooms across the country this Monday

Many will say that the summer “fly flew by”, in fact it has not even finished yet, but this Monday nine provinces and the City of Buenos Aires will start their 2023 school cycleswhile the rest of the jurisdictions will join in the following days until Thursdaywhen the entire educational universe will be back on track in a year that has the eternal objective to reach a floor of “floor” of 190 days of classes.

The schedule indicates that this Monday those who will open notebooks and folders in the first instance will be the students of Federal Capital, Chubut, Córdoba, Entre Ríos, Formosa, Mendoza, Río Negro, Salta, San Luis, and the province of Santa Cruz.

On Tuesday, meanwhile, it will be the turn of the Corrientes students to get up early; and on Wednesday, March 1, schools in the provinces of Buenos Aires, Catamarca, Chaco, Jujuy, La Pampa, Misiones, Neuquén, San Juan, Santa Fe, Santiago del Estero, Tierra del Fuego, Antarctica and South Atlantic Islands, and Tucumán.

Finally, as the closure of that row, it will be the boys and young people of La Rioja those who join the system on Thursday 2with which the complete organization chart of school activity 2023 can be considered in action.

Six provinces will have 190 days of classes

The suggestions of the Ministry of Education of the Nation for this aim in the first instance that all jurisdictions can finally comply with the floor of 190 days that specialists consider as “minimum” to achieve the development of all scheduled topics. It is not an easy goal to achieve, many times there are issues of teaching issues that conspire with that objective, because beyond the agreement that is mentioned as a “guide” at the national level, the truth is that in each province teachers discuss their salary conditions individuals, and these realities are sometimes the numbers that are signed between smiles at Casa Rosada.

In class days in this 2023, CABA’s plan is to reach 192 days, while Buenos Aires, Chaco, Córdoba, Misiones and Neuquén have a roadmap that reaches 190 days. In other provinces this is not so clear, and from the Ministry of Education they slipped the proposal to add an hour to public primaries, whose usual learning cycles have been damaged since the pandemic, which would imply adding 38 days to the calendar, an initiative that in Initially it was accepted by Chaco, Río Negro, Tucumán, Tierra del Fuego, Santa Cruz, Catamarca, Entre Ríos, Salta, Santa Fe, Formosa, Jujuy, Santiago del Estero, Corrientes, San Juan, Mendoza and Córdoba.

Each province then has the power to define the end day of classes, which this year will fluctuate between this year will vary between the still distant Thursday, December 14, and Friday, December 22. One of the novelties in the 2023 school cycles will be the incorporation of women’s football in physical education classes.

In this regard, last week the AFA signed an agreement with the Ministry of Education on this point, in an act attended by the minister Jaime Perczyk, and Claudio “Chiqui” Tapia. As for the ironic objective of saying goodbye to video games and cell phones for a while to return to focusing on school tasks, it should be noted that for many kids across the country the reality is diametrically opposite: is that going back to school in many cases helps them eat every day…


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