Government Experiment to Limit Electricity Consumption in 200,000 Households: Find Out More on Our Website!

2023-10-19 13:53:01

The Ministry of Energy Transition wants to carry out a test on 200,000 households with a Linky meter. Enedis wants to limit their electricity consumption over a few hours during the day this winter.

200,000 households could be affected by a measure envisaged by the government. This winter, he plans to experiment with a “temporary limitation” of electricity consumption. La Tribune discloses that a text is in progress. “This draft text defines the terms of an experiment relating to the temporary limitation of electrical power available for residential customers,” confirms the Ministry of Energy Transition to AFP.

An effective energy reduction over one day

Linky customers would see their consumption reduced for a few hours, going from 6kVA (power generally used in the home) to 3kVA. Enedis detailed that this corresponded to the use of a refrigerator, a radiator and laptop in charge. To avoid embarrassment, the test would be carried out “in one go” during a working day. The households concerned would be notified by the electricity distributor in advance. However, according to the first information available to us, no compensation is currently envisaged. The date of the test is not known. It would be carried out in winter when electrical voltage is at its highest through the use of heating.

An ultimate way to avoid a widespread outage

The State is entering winter in better energy conditions than last year thanks to the reopening of nuclear power plants and the energy sobriety plan. However, he wishes to continue to protect the French fleet, thus avoiding the risk of load shedding which frightened households and businesses the previous winter. This is therefore an experimental phase for the Enedis private electricity distribution network, which was asked by the government to consider this new measure.

If the test turned out to be positive, the system would be put in place as a last resort, “activated if all other levers were insufficient to avoid a widespread outage,” reassures the ministry.

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