Graduate trips to Bariloche: parents complain to a tourism company for date change without agreement

2023-12-11 21:55:39

The graduate trip has always been one of the experiences most anticipated and longed for by students who are completing their last year in secondary school. It is the opportunity to close an academic period and celebrate friendships that have grown over time.

This trip is usually planned with enthusiasm, with the intention on the part of young people that every moment be special, from excursions to parties. However, for a group of fathers and mothers from the Manuel Belgrano Higher School of Commerce, expectations were clouded by conflicts with the company in charge of organizing the trip.

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From June/July 2022, we have agreed on a contract with Travel Rock so that our children can take the trip to Bariloche on December 31st. It was organized so that the kids could spend the New Year there,” commented some parents of Manuel Belgrano students.

Despite that, after having completed payments of the trip in November of this year, the company insisted on several occasions on modifying the previously defined date of the trip to other days.

“They started asking us to change the date to December 24, to January 2. Evidently, they oversold the date of December 31 and we did not agree to change because in such a large group it is very difficult, once everyone agreed to make a contract with a certain date, change it to a month of travel,” explained one of the mothers of the graduates.

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The conflict intensified when, after the parents’ refusal to change the date, the company offered them a smaller hotel with limited facilities. “Now they only offer us a hotel that is smaller and that would force the kids to take their breakfast, lunch, snack, and dinner in shifts. When initially we had chosen large hotels because 180 students would travel.”

But given the lack of definitions from the graduate travel company, the parents decided make a claim at the Travel Rock offices. “We do not have an exact departure date, nor the flight or bus schedule, we have not yet paid the airport taxes and no one in the company gives us an answer. A group of parents went to the Travel offices here in Córdoba and they called the police to avoid disturbances when we were protesting peacefully,” they commented.

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Furthermore, “we had a bad time because this is a trip for graduates that our children want to take and they wanted us change the contract conditions at the last minute”.

Despite the situation, the group of parents managed to get contact with a person from the company who acted as an intermediary with the Buenos Aires team, in charge of planning all the trips that occur in the country.

“There would be a possibility of continue with the hotels which we initially chose, if not to accept the one they offered us as long as the boys travel. We are waiting for the company confirm us definitively in a couple of days,” concluded one of the mothers.

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