Grapes help fight Covid-19? –

Grapes “could help in the fight against Covid-19”.

A recent study published in the scientific journal Clinical Infectious Diseases suggested fresh table grapes could help fight Covid-19, the California Table Grape Commission (CTGC) pointed out.

The study of the scientific journal and shared by FruitNet found that a lack of adequate vitamin K – of which grapes are a natural source – was associated with poor outcomes in patients with Covid-19.

Researchers identified an increased need for vitamin K during Covid-19 illness and noted that vitamin K depletion or deficiency can have devastating consequences in the lungs.

Vitamin K, a nutrient also found in abundance in fresh grapes, plays an essential role in blood clotting, including maintaining the balance of pro- and anti-clotting factors.

Low levels of vitamin K can upset this balance, leading to a greater tendency for blood to form clots. While Covid-19 is first known as a respiratory infection, higher instances of blood clots have been observed and are worsening patient outcomes.

According to the journal, vitamin K is also implicated in inhibiting soft tissue calcification and elastic fiber breakdown. Coronary calcification is linked to a higher risk of blood clots and the breakdown of elastic fibers can impair the integrity of lung tissue.

Additionally, vitamin K is known for its anti-inflammatory activity; reduced levels have been associated with increased inflammatory proteins.

Other research suggests that certain flavonoid compounds found in grapes, green tea, cocoa and dark chocolate may be beneficial against Covid-19 by inhibiting an enzyme involved in the infectivity of the virus.

This research used computer modeling techniques and laboratory study to predict how certain flavonoids – specifically flavan-3-ols and proanthocyanidins – may bind to a critical enzyme that contributes to Covid-19 infectivity and inhibits its action.

« Anything that can help offset the negative impact of this devastating virus is worth knowing about, so findings that the natural compounds found in grapes – vitamin K and certain flavonoids – may play a beneficial role in struggle deserve to be shared“, said Kathleen Nave, president. of the California Table Grape Commission.

« These recent findings add to the substantial body of research conducted over 20 years indicating that the consumption of fresh grapes can have significant positive long-term health effects.. »

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