Guided meditation for productivity

In podcast: Today’s exercise is an opportunity to Start the day calmly and with a view to success. It will allow you to experience more pleasant habits in the activities you do, but fundamentally it will connect you with the universe to decree positive thoughts and actions that attract prosperity and harmony.


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“Focusing on quality and not quantity makes productivity develop in a better way, obtaining better results and higher performance.” (Pexels/)

Who hasn’t started their day without having a defined objective? How many times have the goals of the day not been achieved due to not planning and organizing activities? Why is concentration not one of your allies in the work environment for some? These and thousands of other questions could shed light on identifying the factors that prevent productivity. And it is that all this is summed up in a single argument: time optimization. It may interest you: Guided meditation to stop procrastinating

Focusing on quality and not quantity makes productivity develop in a better way, obtaining favorable results and higher performance. It is worth clarifying that experts in psychology have highlighted that individuals can be affected by factors such as anxiety, nervousness, stress or pressure experienced at work, developing low productivity rates, this is also closely linked to the development later of patterns such as laziness, poor performance and even lack of desire when executing a task. Practice: Guided meditation to release work stress

Listen to guided meditation for productivity

However, not everything is negative, when this type of behavior is detected, finding alternatives to counteract it is a good option. Meditation becomes that exercise with which you will be able to set goals and meet them in established times, reviewing your habits in detail and generating conscious changes that will allow you, from energy: to focus. Also read: Guided meditation to work on patience

It is important to start the day by connecting with the body, this balance and state of relaxation allow us to see the challenges of the day more clearly. This practice will surely benefit you!

If you want to listen to more meditations go to Shala

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