Gustavo Petro proposes the construction of a train that connects from Venezuela to Chile

He assured that this will improve the mobilization of the population.

Courtesy of the Colombian Foreign Ministry | He recalled that South America can work in clean energy

Gustavo Petro, president of Colombia, proposed at the VII Summit of Latin American and Caribbean States (Celac) the construction of a train that leaves from Venezuela and reaches Chile.

The intention is that it go from Venezuela, pass through Colombia, Bolivia and Chile and “will allow the mobility of various nations of the world that would have problems transiting to other territories.”

“Can’t the Pacific be integrated through a train that joins our main cities and through Venezuelan and Colombian territory to reach the Atlantic?” In this sense, he assured that this will help the Bolivian country to mobilize through the South American nations.

He stressed that South America is the region with the greatest clean energy potential in the world. “It is our second geopolitical card of power, if we unite. We would have security and we could be an engine and an energy model”.

Finally, Petro called for the union of Latin American forces and asked Celac to advance in integration to consolidate concrete projects in the region, which allow the effects of the crises to permeate.

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