Harald Eia acknowledges the AI ​​stunt in Dagbladet

Eia had been interviewed in connection with the column “Leselyst”. Tuesday revealed Aftenposten that Dagbladet may have been deceived by the fact that the answers, which were given by e-mail, may have been generated by KI.

After this, Dagbladet unpublished the interview.

EIA has neither confirmed nor denied the AI ​​stunt, according to VG , but has referred to his own podcast that he has together with Tore Sagen. In the podcast, he is asked by his partner if it is he or ChatGPT who has answered the questions in the interview.

– Chat, replies Eia, who also admits that he has only read parts of the Jane Austen novel “Pride and Prejudice”, which he refers to in the interview.

Dagbladet asked the comedian, among other things, which book he has smuggled and which novel character he cannot stand. Eia explains the KI stunt by saying that he was busy with something else when the interview request came.

He says he asked ChatGPT to respond in a way that would make him “come across as a likable person, that a lot of women will like”.

– I believe that I have done nothing ethically wrong. It was the fact that it became known that made it an uncool act ethically, he adds The daily newspaper.

However, he apologizes to the Dagbladet journalist who did the interview.

#Harald #Eia #acknowledges #stunt #Dagbladet
2024-04-20 16:23:56

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