Harry Styles’ ‘As it was’ music video lifted Ukrainian director’s heart

MUSIC – ”Nothing is like before”. Harry Styles is back with As it wasthe first single from his forthcoming album Harry’s Homewhich will be released on May 20, 2022. The singer unveiled this highly anticipated title this Thursday, March 31. A song as sweet as it is bitter, just like the filming of his clip.

Tanu Muino, director Ukrainian of the video, will long remember this shooting, which took place at the very moment when the Russians invaded his country. “This shoot is one of the best days of my life, but on the second day, my country was invaded. So you can imagine the many emotions that we felt, me and my Ukrainian team. We invested so much love in this video, and it shows on the screen”, she confided in a statement relayed by the magazine Rolling Stone.

Since then, she has spoken regularly about the situation in Ukraine, in particular on her account Instagram, where you can read under his last publication: “L’Ukraine. This beloved country of artists, directors and producers (…) this place where countless projects have been filmed. (…) Now these places are brutally bombarded by the Russian army. They need the world to return the favor (…) Let us stop the destruction of this heritage”.

Tanu Muino has already directed Rosalía’s music videos, Lil Nas X or even Post Malone and The Weeknd. Harry Styles therefore joins these renowned artists who have chosen to collaborate with the talented filmmaker.

On a catchy tune, the lyrics of his new song are however enough to make you cry. Harry Styles reveals himself there, vulnerable and melancholic. The lyrics come in a total break with the 80s synth that accompanies them:

“Answer the phone / Harry you shouldn’t be alone / Why are you home on the floor? / What pills did you take again?”. A taste of an album that promises to be intimate and poignant.

Just eleven hours after its publication, the clip of As it was already has more than 11 million views on YouTube.

See also on The HuffPost: In the middle of a concert, Hans Zimmer broadcasts the video of a Ukrainian pianist playing under the sirens

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