Haru Andika Kangen Band’s Meeting with the Princess after 12 Years of Separation


Mother is certainly very familiar with the figure of Andika Kangen Band, right? This man with the full name Andika Mahesa has a long story about his past.

To recall, Andika was first married to Ade Bunga Niari in 2007. From this short marriage, both of them were blessed with a daughter named Karina Velovoice.

The two divorced in 2010, Mother. Since the divorce, Andika and Karina have been separated and only met after a dozen years.

“During the separation from Bunga, Kirana was with her grandmother in Bangka Belitung,” said Andika, quoted from channel YouTube TRANS TV Official on Tuesday (26/4/2022).

There were several attempts that Andika made at that time. For example, by searching for the princess through Facebook and contact him via message.

“I’m looking for the next 2 years, the next 3 years, there is FacebookFrom then on, I DMed, ‘How are you?’,” he recalled.

“I just called Om, ‘Who is Om?’. Suddenly it was blocked, all social media with a name, Kirana, werefollow to find him. Indeed, I have never (found another account), every time I met it was blocked, I found it was blocked, that’s it.”

In the past, Andika separated from Kirana when the girl was still very small. This 36-year-old man also said that he actually wanted to meet Karina more quickly.

“Age of more than one year, two years if I’m not mistaken (separated),” he said.

However, at that time the situation was not possible. Not long ago, he admitted that he was not very mature and had a lot of fears about his ex-wife’s family.

“Flowers don’t limit meeting them, they just want to go there (Bangka Belitung) it’s like being afraid of his family. His name is still young and has strange thoughts,” he regrets.

“(Seeing) this will be dangerous for his family, don’t accept it. There was something like that before, right. Just go through social media first (look for it), if on social media the answer is good, it’s good.”

“Going there (Bangka Belitung) they are afraid (some say), ‘Wherever you as a parent you never find me,’ that is. Even though I always look for it on social media. But just think positive.”

How was the moment when Andika Kangen Band met Karina? Are you curious? Read more on the following page, yes.

Mother, also see how Sonya Fatmala teaches children about women’s equality from an early age in the following video:

[Gambas:Video Haibunda]

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