He died in 26 minutes and there is a person responsible

In a note with Telenoche, Raúl Velaztiqui DuarteNatacha’s friend, returned to the scene and remembered the fateful night. “Two very serious crimes were committed here: the facilitation of drug use for consideration and the facilitation of prostitution,” Velaztiqui Duarte pointed out.

“She died in 26 minutes and there is someone responsible for that. I was struck by the fact that when she received us, Gonzalo Rigoni told us ‘there are some friends, do you have a problem with that?’he added.

“Clearly, those two people there were not invited to the meeting. It emerged in the statements that there are images in which she is seen consuming. If you ask me, I think she was incited to use”, assured Raúl Velaztiqui Duarte.

“I am not accusing, I am describing. She was in this place where she ended up dying, and with her was Gonzalo Rigoni”, indicated, about the owner of the premises.

Raúl Velaztiqui Duarte told how Natacha Jaitt’s last night was

“I tell her ‘let’s go’, she gets up and I don’t see her anymore. (…) I saw her laughing with Rigoni and I didn’t see her anymore. About 20-odd minutes, maybe 30, Rigoni comes down. He told me ‘your friend fell asleep’. I enter her, her sauna and I find her on the bed, face down ”he remembered.

“There, he threw himself on top of the bed and turned it over to Natacha. Through the reflection images, you could see how people who did not know who they were took bottles and glasses. I felt my life was at risk.”Velaztiqui added.

“I went to the place where I last saw her with him, and there was a broom. I open it and there was her backpack on the floor, and there I understood that what was happening there was not good. I opened the backpack and found the phone and that’s where they started saying that I wanted to steal it.” he pointed.

“I am asthmatic and I went to my truck to get the spray. I left the phone on the passenger seat and it is not true that it was covered or hidden. I hit myself with the spray and after three seconds the police came”, commented.

“I cried and all the time they asked me about ‘el manco’. (…) When I opened Natacha’s backpack, there was no money, but the police say in the kidnapping report that the backpack was on the first floor and that there was 400 dollars and 22 thousand pesos in it.”revealed, stating that it was impossible for Natacha to have carried that sum.

I think there was an intention to make her responsible for his death and me in that position of deliverer of my friend. They offer women, they buy drugs, they give them to you. A woman dies and nothing happens. Nothing happens! A woman died and nothing happened!”, Raúl Velaztiqui Duarte closed.


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