He opened 10 mate selection conditions and recognized the keyword: You are Cheng Dao

A netizen suggested 10 conditions for an ideal girlfriend on the Internet, but everyone’s focus was on which school the original PO went to. (Schematic diagram / Dazhi image)

“Will the conditions be too high?” A male netizen listed 10 ideal girlfriend selection conditions on Dcard, such as gentleness, good personality, consideration for the other half, etc. At the same time, he also wrote his own conditions to attract girls. Among them, A “one of the school’s transactions in Taiqing” was found by netizens to be Chengda students. “Only Chengda students are sold in Taiqing”, which led to a lot of discussions. Netizens laughed, “Don’t be so honest”, “It’s really only Cheng Daai who talks about the four big things.”

This male netizen recently posted on Dcard to find a girlfriend, stating that the 10 conditions for his ideal girlfriend are “height-weight > 110”, “height between 152 and 165 cm, age less than 21 years old”, and also looks pleasing to the eye, Can wear, gentle and good personality, cute, no bad hobbies, normal family background, considerate of the other half, education salary and work are not limited.

The original PO also listed his own conditions. He is 171 cm tall and weighs 62 kg. He is a junior at the age of 21. He has a good personality, is considerate, and considers himself. , The annual salary in the future will be more than 700,000 yuan, and he also wrote that if he gets married in the future, he can move out.

Regarding this long list of girlfriend conditions, some netizens saw one of the items “the school is one of the transactions in Taiqing”, guessing that the original PO was reading Chengda, and God replied, “Only people from Chengda can make a deal in Taiqing.” “, let everyone laugh: “Classmate, you are very sharp, I hate sharp children like you the most”, “It’s funny”, “The one who says the top three in the exam is usually the one who takes the third XD”, “Really Only Cheng Da loves to talk about the four majors”, “Now most of the top Taiwanese talk about “Taiwan Qingjiao”, only those who read Chengda can talk about “Taiwan Qingjiao”, “Professors all call themselves Taiwanese Qingjiao” , which led to the discussion of big crooked buildings and blurred the focus of mate selection.

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