He pleads not guilty in case of children found in suitcase

She was arrested while wearing a hood in the city of Seoul.

Faced with the infanticide case of two children whose remains appeared in a suitcase, a woman pleaded not guilty in front of a court in South Korea. The defendant expressed it this way when asked by the media when leaving a police station.

The woman, who was arrested in Ulsan (about 300 kilometers southeast of Seoul), was caught with her head completely covered with a hood while being transferred from the police station in that city to a vehicle that was to transport her to Seoul.

When questioned by the media gathered at the police station, she only exclaimed “I didn’t do it.”

The police have transferred the detainee to the South Korean capital to attend a hearing before the Seoul High Court in order to review the extradition order that the New Zealand authorities have issued, according to the Yonhap agency.

The 42-year-old woman, believed to be the mother of the two dead children, was apparently born in South Korea and later obtained a passport from New Zealand, where she resided with her husband, who is believed to have died in that country some time ago. years.

According to investigations, the detainee entered her home country in the second half of 2018 without customs exit records, and had lived in Seoul and other locations before moving to an acquaintance’s apartment in Ulsan earlier this year. .

The bodies of the two little ones were found in early August in two suitcases allegedly bought by a family from the New Zealand city of Auckland at an auction of abandoned objects.

Authorities believe the two minors, whose identities were not released and who were believed to be between five and 10 years old at the time of their deaths, may have been inside the suitcases for several months.

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