Health: Blue skin and shortness of breath are symptoms of syncytial virus that require hospitalization

The Ministry of Health and Population said that if it is proven that the child suffers from shortness of breath and cyanosis in the skin, then it is likely that he is infected with the syncytial virus, and this requires immediate referral to the hospital.

The Ministry of Health and Population stated that the symptoms of the syncytial virus are fever, runny nose, diarrhea, vomiting and sore throat, and the child needs to visit a specialist doctor when symptoms appear.

The Ministry indicated that the incubation period for the disease ranges from 4 to 6 days, and may reach two weeks, then symptoms appear on the patient, explaining that the virus lives on surfaces for hours, noting that newborns, less than 6 months, and children who suffer from Immune diseases or diseases, they are most exposed to the severity of symptoms, while the disease symptoms continue with children from two years to 5 years, from one to two weeks.

And she added that children under two years old are the most common category in infection rates, as surveys were conducted in the internal departments of 21 children’s hospitals, and according to genetic sequencing and PCR tests, it was found that most cases of respiratory symptoms belong to this virus.

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