Health | HEALTH. Is the sun the ally or the enemy of atopic dermatitis?

2023-05-22 11:05:48

We are not going to lie to each other, the phenomenon of the “cold drop” which is currently raging in the country, is pushing us to depression. Not a ray of sunshine on the horizon to get on your skin. In the absence of a tanned complexion, our mood is gray. Because beyond the aesthetic side, exposure to the sun is not in itself a bad thing. Isn’t it the sun and its ultraviolet rays, which allow us to fight against fatigue, depression and strengthen the bones by synthesizing vitamin D? Isn’t this the same sun that makes us believe that our skin is better? Proven benefits provided you abuse the sun in small doses. Because the sun can quickly become the worst

#Health #HEALTH #sun #ally #enemy #atopic #dermatitis

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