Health Network” Fish oil and cod liver oil are only one word apart. Nutritionist: the effect is much worse

Fish oil is fish oil, usually ingested Omega-3 fatty acids, which can repair nerves and protect cardiovascular. (Picture taken from pixabay)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report]”Fish oil” and “cod liver oil” are both common health foods. Although they are only one word apart, their efficacy is much poorer. Nutritionist Gao Minmin said that fish oil is the oil of fish, usually ingesting Omega-3 fatty acids in it, which can repair nerves and protect cardiovascular; cod liver oil is extracted from the liver of fish, and its nutrients are mainly fat-soluble vitamins A and D, which can protect Eyes, assist calcium absorption.

Nutritionist Gao Minmin posted on Facebook fan page “Gao Minmin nutritionistThe article stated that there are two types of Omega-3 in fish oil: DHA and EPA. DHA can help nerve transmission, development and repair, and is very helpful for children’s brain, nerve, and eye development and repair; EPA can maintain cardiovascular health, Helps maintain blood vessel elasticity, inhibit platelet aggregation, reduce triglycerides, and anti-inflammatory.

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Gao Minmin said that fish oil can also be ingested from natural sources, such as deep-sea fatty fish, such as salmon, saury, mackerel, etc., but she also reminded that fish oil has anti-coagulation function. Anticoagulant drugs are not suitable for consumption.

Gao Minmin pointed out that vitamin A in cod liver oil can protect eye health, and vitamin D can help calcium absorption, bone development, and prevent doubts about incomplete development. These two vitamins can also be found in carrots, egg yolks, milk, cheese. and other natural food intake. Vitamin A and vitamin D are fat-soluble, and excessive intake is easy to accumulate in the liver. Long-term overdose may lead to poisoning. Pay attention to the packaging label to avoid overdose.

Gao Minmin said that an appropriate amount of fish oil and cod liver oil can help the body to replenish nutrients, but the two are completely different things.

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