Health Network “How should pregnant mothers eat?Dietitian: Lack of “these 5 major nutrients” may affect the fetus – LOHAS Diet – Free Health Network

Zhang Yuxi shared that pregnant women can take vitamin D, iodine, folic acid, zinc, and iron. Foods containing these five nutrients are beneficial to the health of pregnant women and their babies; the picture shows the situation. (Picture taken from shutterstock)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report]Sufficient nutrition for pregnant mothers is an important key to the healthy growth of the fetus. Special attention should be paid to diet. Dietitian Zhang Yuxi posted on the Facebook fan page “Nutritionist Zhang Yuxi” Posted to share the 5 major nutrients and ingestible foods that are often lacking during pregnancy, and reminded to avoid partial eclipse during pregnancy. Vegetarians try to choose ovo-lacta-vegetarian, and vegans are less encouraged.

According to the National Health Administration, a lack of vitamin D during pregnancy may lead to the risk of osteomalacia in adults and rickets in infants and young children; iodine deficiency affects fetal brain and neurodevelopment, easily causing growth retardation and even increasing infant mortality; folic acid in early pregnancy Deficiency may lead to congenital neural tube defects such as fetal brain and spinal cord, spontaneous abortion, premature birth, and low birth weight; zinc deficiency can easily cause fetal growth retardation and neural tube defects in the uterus; Symptoms can have adverse effects.

Please read on…

Nutrient Supplements During Pregnancy

Vitamin D: Milk, fish, mushrooms, fungus.

iodine: Kelp, sesame, egg.

folic acid: Broccoli, pork liver, spinach.

Zinc: Shelled seafood, nuts, animal liver.

iron: Red meat, oysters, black beans.

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