Health Network “The risk of love has nothing to do with gender, doctor: Safe sex can help prevent AIDS-Instant News-Free Health Network

Doctors Chen Weijie and Luo Shixiu said that no matter what sexual orientation, you must have a correct concept of sexual behavior to avoid contracting venereal diseases. (Picture taken from freepik)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report]Some people may equate gay men with AIDS, and believe that their “anal sex” intimate behavior will greatly increase the infection rate of AIDS; Luo Shixiu said that foreign media reported that the number of gay men diagnosed with AIDS a few years ago had dropped by 71% due to correct health education, and a recent British study pointed out that “the number of diagnosed AIDS in heterosexual love has now exceeded that of homosexuals.” The risk of love has nothing to do with gender, the focus is on having the right concept of sexual behavior and avoiding STDs.

Chen Weijie and Luo Shixiu are on Facebook fan page “Secret Reception Room – Dr. Chen Weijie x Dr. Luo Shixiu” said that the public often misunderstands that the only way of intimacy for gay men is anal sex, but the study statistics that they have 5 to 9 types of sexual behavior, including kissing their partner’s mouth is the most common behavior (74.5%), followed by oral sex (72.7%). ), partner masturbation (68.4%), anal sex (37.2%), etc.

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Among them, 18-24-year-old men had the highest proportion of anal sex (42.7%), probably due to their process from adolescence to adulthood, accompanied by romantic, sexual and partner curiosity and exploration, “free from childhood and adolescence dependence, but have not yet entered adulthood. A responsible attitude is required”, and age groups are also more courageous in pursuing any possible expression of love.

Chen Weijie and Luo Shixiu said that according to the statistics of AIDS notification cases, the rate of unsafe sex between men and women is higher, because men do not have vaginas and can have anal sex, and the mucosa of the anus is relatively soft and lacks lubrication. and friction can be easily injured. At this time, if you don’t wear a condom, the HIV virus will take advantage of the situation and cause the gay partner to be infected. Remember to protect both parties when you are having fun.

Finally, Chen Weijie and Luo Shixiu emphasized that everyone should objectively respect various sexual orientations, and must have a correct concept of sexual behavior to avoid the risk of contracting STDs. Safe sex and regular screening are the most important ways to protect yourself and your partner.

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