Health Network” US study: landing test can intercept 67% of confirmed patients – Xinhua

The study pointed out that the landing test can intercept 67% of the confirmed cases. The picture shows the landing inspection of long-haul flights from the 11th. After getting off the plane, passengers go directly to the temporary inspection area for inspection. (File photo, photo by reporter Yao Jiexiu)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report]In order to reduce the risk of Wuhan pneumonia (new coronavirus disease, COVID-19) invading the community, from the 11th, a comprehensive landing inspection will be carried out for inbound passengers on long-haul flights. Huang Xuan, a thoracic and critical care specialist, shared a US study that pointed out , the landing inspection can intercept 67% of the confirmed cases.

Huang Xuan’s Facebook fan page “Dr. Ooi HeanShare, Toronto Pearson International Airport, Canada, in their first terminal, once tested a large number of inbound passengers to find out how many people had positive reactions on the day of arrival, 7 days and 14 days, published in “British Medicine” Journal (BMJ).

The study pointed out that of 16,361 passengers who were tested for COVID-19 immediately at the airport, a total of 248 passengers tested positive, and 167 passengers were diagnosed immediately on the day they got off the plane, accounting for about 67%. Fourteen passengers (6%) were diagnosed with COVID-19 on the 14th day of entry.

Huang Xuan pointed out that other studies have also found that the aerosol behavior in space, the longer the accumulated flight time, the higher the infection probability will be, and the more overseas locations will transfer, the higher the risk.

Researchers also believe that for passengers from high-risk areas or infected areas, COVID-19 checks can be done immediately upon arrival at international airports, although now passengers will have a negative report within 72 hours or proof of two doses of vaccine or passport. , but the incubation period of the virus is changing rapidly, so be careful.

Huang Xuan pointed out that the research in the United States was done on the Delta virus, and its incubation period was 5 days; while the incubation period of the Omicron virus was 3 days, and a 72-hour negative certificate was obtained. After a long flight, there will be positive confirmed cases. According to the latest research by Japanese scientists, Omicron’s infectious power is 4.2 times that of Delta. Whether it will intercept more confirmed cases because of this, Huang Xuan believes that more scientific evidence is still needed.

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