Healthy Diet Tips: How to Make Delicious and Nutritious Lentil Burgers

2023-09-01 18:24:06

Eating a healthy diet is a key habit to be able to maintain health in an adequate and positive state, which can enhance and preserve the work of the body on a day-to-day basis, giving way to the development of life presenting itself a consistent manner over time.

A good diet is essential to take care of health and allow people to feel good. | Photo: Getty Images

One of the most preferred foods by human beings, are hamburgers, a preparation recognized worldwide, and that even has different variations according to culture, or gastronomic customs, however, this is usually excluded from the healthy diets, due to the large amount of saturated fat that it provides through its consumption, an element that if it is excessively present in the system, can cause the accumulation of cholesterol and triglycerides in the bloodstream.

There are those who consider that an excessive consumption of this food can even affect heart health, since the substances mentioned above and present in the blood can adhere to the arterial cavities, increasing the risk of suffering cardiovascular accidents. such as heart attacks.

However, these affectations can be avoided if some of the ingredients of its preparation are changed, as reported by the portal, Children’s Guide, since this amount of calories and fat can be reduced from its consumption.

Burger | Photo: Burger King

One of the alternatives for this preparation is the use of lentils as a substitute for meat, a legume that has a significant amount of protein, fiber and iron in its composition, elements that strengthen the human body and stimulate the metabolic functions of the body. same, as for example, the digestive tasks carried out by the stomach.

For this preparation, it is important to have 250 grams of lentils, 50 grams of whole wheat flour, 1 onion, 3 chopped garlic cloves, 1 grated carrot, chopped parsley, olive oil and salt that can season these healthy burgers to taste. .

First of all, the lentils should be soaked for at least 4 or 5 hours, so that they can later be cooked in hot water until they are tender. Once this is achieved, they can be strained and beaten with a fork in order to achieve a homogeneous mixture that is easy to handle with your hands.

Lentils are one of the best foods for the body. | Photo: Getty Images

On the other hand, the rest of the ingredients should be mixed, leaving the vegetables and spices as small as possible, in order to mix these elements with the lentils until they end up forming a dough.

In this way, the hamburgers can be formed, which will later be cooked with oil in a pan, however, previously it is recommended to pass them through flour or breadcrumbs to benefit their texture.

In this way, it is important to mention that although a rich and healthy diet implies adequately measuring the amount of calories consumed, certain foods can be eaten that provide health benefits, while still feeling pleasure on the palate when eating.

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#healthiest #hamburgers #prepared #prevent #heart #attacks

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