Healthy Habits: What a Doctor Says You Shouldn’t Do

2023-11-08 02:05:34

An American doctor recently went viral on TikTok thanks to a video, seen by 1.3 million Internet users, in which she lists several everyday actions that she would never do given her medical experience.

A graduate of the University of California, Dr. Nicole Van Groningen works as a general practitioner in Los Angeles. And according to her, certain widespread lifestyle habits are simply dangerous or harmful to your health.

Here are three things you shouldn’t do if you value your health:

Get up early to train

Many people get up earlier to go for their morning jog before going to work. Yet this habit isn’t as healthy as it sounds, according to Dr. Van Groningen.

“Don’t let any influencer convince you that it’s good to reduce your sleep period to go to the gym and improve your fitness. Sleep is the first healthy life habit, period,” she maintains.


After spending some time in surgery during her studies, Dr. Nicole Van Groningen says she will never be caught riding a motorcycle

“There are so many safety features in cars these days: the cabin, the windows and the doors. Why would you give up all that?”, she proclaims.

The latter also believes that wearing a helmet is crucial when riding a bike.

“There are certain cries from family members that I will never forget and I will never ride a bike without a helmet,” says the doctor.

Favor the “natural approach” everywhere

Dr. Van Groningen also believes that some people go too far in their desire to adopt a “natural” lifestyle.

This highlights the importance of wearing sunscreen as well as the benefits of vaccines, antibiotics and other medical advances that have ended an era when many people died because they were not treated. like humans today.

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