heavy rains flood the city and impede traffic on its roads

Due to heavy rain that lasted for more than six hours, the city of Celendín ended up flooded, affecting various homes in neighborhoods such as Guayao, Shuitute, Chacapampa, El Carmen and Bello Horizonte, where residents had to remove the water from their homes. and prevent your belongings from being damaged.
In the city, the sewage systems and ditches collapsed, turning the streets into eventual rivers, with the danger of generating diseases in the neighbors.
The highway that leads to the north of the province was also flooded due to the activation of the ravines, leaving the districts of Chumush, Cortgana, Miguel Iglesias and La Libertad de Pallán cut off from the capital, which could increase the prices of farm products. those supplied from the capital and Cajamarca.
On the road to Cortegana, some drivers ran the risk that their vehicles would be dragged by the overflow of the ravine, having to be helped by the neighbors.
The province of Celendín was declared an emergency due to rains in January, however, this declaration expires on March 13, so the residents of the province asked the government to extend this condition since the season is expected to of rains extends for the following days.

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