Hells Angels process: Federal Court of Justice negotiates about rocker murder in Berlin betting office – Berlin

Eight years after the deadly shots in a Berlin betting shop, the Federal Court of Justice (BGH) has heard the case. The 5th criminal senate of the BGH in Leipzig is reviewing the verdicts against members of the rocker group Hells Angels and their Berlin boss Kadir P.

They are said to have stormed into the restaurant in 2014 and shot a 26-year-old. The background is said to have been rivalries between the victim and the then leader of the Berlin Hells Angels.

The Berlin Regional Court had sentenced eight defendants to life imprisonment for murder and the Rocker boss for incitement to murder. They appealed.

The public prosecutor’s office is also opposing the verdict because the district court counted the men’s sentences as having served two years. The court granted a penalty of two years for investigation mistakes by the police.

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It is about the allegation that officials from the State Criminal Police Office (LKA) failed to take mandatory measures and thus possibly accepted the murder in the Reinickendorf betting shop in 2014.

The BGH has set two days for the oral hearing on Tuesday and Wednesday. It was initially unclear when a decision could be expected. (Tsp, dpa)

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