Helpful Tips for Exercise Beginners at the Gym: Warm-up, Exercise Order, and Muscle Groups

2023-10-20 03:05:00

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‘Warm-up’ is essential to prevent injury
To burn fat, the exercise order of ‘anaerobic → aerobic’ is advantageous.


Registering at a gym is one of the most common steps that come to mind for beginners who want to start exercising. This is because it is more accessible than other exercise facilities such as yoga and CrossFit, and is also a place where you can do aerobic and anaerobic exercise in one place.

However, once you sign up for a gym, it’s easy to feel at a loss. This is because I don’t know what exercises to do, how to do them, and in what order. This is a problem that can be easily solved by registering for PT (personal training), but it is a difficult option to choose because of the high price. Let’s find out some helpful tips for exercise beginners who go to the gym for the first time.

▲ ‘Warming-up’ to prevent injuries

To prevent injuries during exercise, a warm-up process to increase body temperature before the main exercise is essential. Especially recently, when the weather has become chilly, we need to be even more careful as there are many cases of injuries caused by exercising with joints that have become stiff due to the cold. The warm-up process is enough to get your body warm or slightly sweaty, such as walking for about 10 minutes.

▲ To burn fat, the exercise order is ‘anaerobic → aerobic’.

The goal of most people who visit the gym for the first time is probably diet. In this case, it is advantageous in terms of fat burning to start with anaerobic exercise, mainly strength training, and finish with aerobic exercise such as walking.

If you do strength training first, the carbohydrates stored in your body will quickly be used up. In other words, this means that the rate of fat burning in the body increases when performing aerobic exercise at the end of exercise. This is why many health trainers recommend ‘anaerobic → aerobic’ exercise in the order of exercise for fat burning.

▲ Weight exercises start with the ‘3 major muscles’

Beginners with low muscle mass should start by exercising the largest muscles in the body: the chest, back, and thighs. Since these are literally the muscles with the largest volume in our body, they are more efficient than other small muscles in terms of increasing muscle mass even if the muscles increase at the same rate. For example, this means that it is more efficient to increase 5kg of muscle mass at a 1% rate than to increase 500g of muscle mass at a 1% rate.

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