here are 5 unusual tips to grow your 6 pack before summer

2023-04-24 16:00:45

We are at the gates of summer, and like the young model on the cover photo of this article, you would like to bubble, abs protruding in the wind.

The 5 tips we are going to see could help you do this, although they will NEVER replace the basics themselves (see our article: you will not have visible abs until you understand these 5 key concepts).

1. Overload those abs!

Progressive overload is the number one growth factor des muscles.

If you never workout intense enough to push you out of your comfort zone, how do you expect your muscles to get the stimuli they need to grow?

The same goes for your abs!

Yes, you can do progressive overload by always increasing the number of repetitions and sets of your abs exercises, but the best is still a intensity-focused approach.

That is why you should use weights for your abs workouts and always try to advance these charges.

That being said, there is no question of doing anythingI don’t want you to grab the first big dumbbell that comes and put it behind your neck on decline situps… hello lower back pain!

Obviously start with small weights against your chest or between your feet (depending on your exercises).

That doesn’t mean you have to throw high reps at bodyweight, but do both.

For example, you can do mechanical degressives:

  • 10 repetitions of crunch declined on the bench with a weight against the torso*,
  • 20 reps of jack knives on the floor without weights.

*Be sure to master the basic crunches on the floor first, without weights.

Do 3-4 sets of this and find other combinations of exercises (here is our selection of the best abs exercises with weights).

If you don’t have weight, you can perfectly use the weight of his legs to leverage, by hanging from a bar for example (see our guide for knee raises at the bar).

2. Take a station wagon (but not a Kitkat)

You are now using weights on your abs exercises to strengthen them and aim for hypertrophy, great!

You have in mind to always put on more weight to aim for a process of gradual, magnificent growth!

But you rush and don’t allow enough recovery time between sets…

Basically, the longer you wait before doing your next set of exercises, the more your muscles will be able to recover.

Without a substantial break, the number of repetitions is not likely to increase: you must attack each series to your full potential (or almost)!

2 to 3 minutes should generally suffice.

This doesn’t mean you can’t do ab circuits or supersets (a series of exercises without a break).

In this case, take 2-3 minutes at the end of each circuit lap before starting the next one. Start your tours through the hardest exercises like declined and weighted situps.

For your abs exercises with weight, take enough rest to be able to continue to send a maximum of repetitions!

3. Contract… then stretch!

All muscles in the body have fascia, a tissue that covers firmly.

There is a theory called “bag expansion” which considers the fascia as a bag that surrounds the muscle.

According to this theory, extending this fascia would create more room for allow the muscles to grow more.

In the past, some bodybuilders also used stretching in their workouts long before this theory.

Then this apscaled up to be studied further, sometimes showing muscle gains of up to +318% in 28 days!!!

Well ok, it was on animals… but the fact is that more and more studies are appearing on the subject.

On the other hand, incorporating abs stretches into your sessions is not a pain in the ass, provided you do them at the right time.

The best timing would be after exercise, when you have congestion (created when a large amount of blood is flowing through the muscles).

When the muscle is congested, the fascia is stretched by the mere presence of blood, but we can go even further by adding stretches.

For example, imagine the following circuit:

  • 10 weighted crunches,
  • 10V situps,
  • 10 Jackknives.

Do the 3 exercises without a break, then directly place 20 to 30 seconds of stretching of the rectus abdominis, the cobra stretch example (see below).

Then repeat the circuit for 2-3 rounds.

4. Treat your abs like any other muscle

abs stretch
A little stretch for big gains?

As you know, your muscles are not built during the training itself, but during the recovery phase.

If you don’t give them enough recovery and you go back to training the next day to work on them, you are going to piss in a violin!

Less results, more chances of injury, combo!

If you got sent for a big leg workout yesterday, I’m sure you’re not going to go back today, right?

So why treat your abs differently?

Yes, abs are muscles mainly composed of type 1 muscle fibers (known as endurance fibers), but still, they need rest, especially if your goal is hypertrophy.

It’s all the more real if you use weight and intensity in your abs workouts, which you should be doing!

In short, aim for an abs workout every other day. maximum.

5. Work different angles!

decline crunchTake the case of the famous crunches, you’re not going to be able to stretch further than the floor, right?

On the other hand, do same exercise on a stability ball and you’ll gain range of motion (see our article on the best crunch variations).

In addition, the increased demand for stabilization will recruit your deep abdominal muscles (transverse).

You can also use the decline bench to create a unique angle for your situps.

On the classic situps, pass half of the concentric phase (when you get up) the abs no longer work and the hip flexors take over.

By adding a strong declination, we creates a continuous voltage.

Protruding abs thanks to these 5 techniques exclusively, certainly not!

I do not want to sell you a dream, nothing will certainly happen to your 6 pack if you do not first get rid of the layer of fat that covers your abs.

It is certainly not by stretching that you will reduce the latter!

That being said, the 5 training techniques above can help reveal your platelets at a higher body mass percentage.

Make good use of it.

sport-cat-date-updated">Updated by Quentin on:24/04/2023

Our abs articles

#unusual #tips #grow #pack #summer

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