Here are the 5 old cell phones that can bring you more than 4000 euros! – Tuxboard

2023-05-09 20:31:53

Did you know that your old cell phones can pay you big? Here are 5 models that will sell for gold in 2023!

Have you kept your old cell phones in your cupboards? Good news ! Because these can save you a lot of money. Quickly discover the 5 most sought-after models by collectors. We tell you everything from A to Z!

Old cell phones are popular!

We all know it: old objects tend to increase in value over the years. This is the case with books, stamps or even bags which can sometimes become real collectibles after a few decades.

If you don’t have such treasures at home, don’t worry! Because some very common objects can also make you earn lots of money. This is the case of old mobile phones that start to be worth a few hundred euros.

The first laptops appeared in the 80s and 90s. Today, these retro objects, very different from our smartphones, are highly sought after by consumers. collectors.

Some antiques enthusiasts are willing to spend a fortune to find cell phones from the era. Now is the perfect time to resell them at the best price and maybe even pocket the jackpot.

If you still have your old laptops in your drawers, this article is for you. Indeed, we have grouped the 5 most popular models. And hold on tight, because these can win you up to 400 euros. Not bad is not it ?

The 5 models to resell to hit the jackpot

The very first mobile phone is one of the most popular objects of the moment. It’s about Motorola 8000 x released in 1983. Today, this model is a real luxury item. It resells on the market for more than 4,000 euros. An incredible good plan for the lucky ones who would have kept it at home.

Among more recent models, the Motorola Aura R1 also a lot of envy. This first mobile phone with a rotary keyboard is now worth more than 1000 euros. Incredible isn’t it?

Now let’s move on to a very well-known model that you must have already seen: the Nokia 88000. This mobile phone had an incredible success in 2005. It even made the buzz by appearing in the cinema in the films of John Wick. This collector’s item can now make you pocket 400 euros, or even more if it is still in working order.

The Nokia 3310 is also an increasingly popular model these days. The latter was very widespread in the 2000s. If you have it at home, know that you can resell it at a high price. Indeed, this laptop is worth more than 400 euros today. Like what, keeping your old things can really pay you big.

The most wanted model in 2023

As you will have understood, some cell phones become real treasures in the eyes of collectors. A model is also beating all records and you may have it at home.

L’iPhone 1 is now part of history and sells for gold at auction. If you still own the first working Apple smartphone, then you have gold in your hands.

In 2023, the iPhone 1 sold for 40,000 euros at auction. A record price for a still very recent smartphone. Indeed, it was released in 2007, and is already worth an astronomical sum!

A word of advice: therefore, converse all your mobile phones with you if you can. Because the latter may become very rare pieces and highly coveted by collectors within a few years!

#cell #phones #bring #euros #Tuxboard

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