Here’s how to find Virginia’s new leather outfit

With the first major update for Sons of the Forest, a new leather outfit was released for your companion Virginia. So that she doesn’t have to trudge through the snow in a bathing suit in winter, you should find it for her!

We’ll tell you in a nutshell where to find the Leather Suit for Virginia and how to equip it. With it, your limb-rich buddy can dress up and blow up any cannibal party.

We summarize what else was new for Sons of the Forest in Patch 01 in this message:

Location of Virginia’s Leather Suit

There seem to be multiple locations for the clothing. On the map you can see where we found the leather suit. He is located far to the east of the game world:

Maybe you already know the place, because there is, for example, the Katana very close by. The location is called Residential Bunkerthere you should look for a closet that contains the Leather Suit.

This is what the closet looks like:

Found in this place we the leather suit in Sons of the Forest. Other players also report another location that could be closer, depending on where you are. We also mark it on the map:

Searches for a crashed helicopter in whose cockpit the suit is also found.

How to equip Virginia with the leather suit?

Once you’ve found Virginia’s leather outfit in Sons of the Forest, all you have to do is equip it.

  • To do this, approach your companion and press the interaction button as soon as it appears.
  • Now your character pulls out the available inventory.
  • A click on the leather suit puts Virginia on the outfit, whereupon she thanks you with a gesture.
  • Complete!

Are you looking for more tips, tricks and help for Sons of the Forest? Our currently most popular guides can be found above.

For example, in single player you can simply use cheats that can help you in the most difficult situations in survival games. Or you can revive Virginia and Kelvin if you accidentally sent them to the Ancestors in the heat of battle.

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