Here’s the first thing to do if you’ve spilled water on your iPhone

2023-06-01 16:00:00

par lauren soukiassian

If the iPhone models today are waterproof, it is still better to make sure that water does not enter the phone if you spill it.

It can happen to anyone to spill water on their phone or even drop it in water. If putting it in rice can sometimes work, there is a solution planned by Apple.

What to do if you spill water on your iPhone?

This is a little-known trick on iPhones, but it is possible to eject water from the speakers using an application provided by Apple for this purpose: Water Eject.

If you kept Apple’s “Shortcuts” app, the Water Eject app is there. If not, type Water Eject in your iPhone’s search bar, it will take you to to redownload it.

Once done, you can open the app and activate the water drainage system. How does it work ? The phone will emit sound through the speakers to push out any water that may be in it.

Be careful not to put on an earphone when performing this action.

#Heres #youve #spilled #water #iPhone

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