Hidden function in the toaster: Seeing it for the first time makes you feel really stupid

The toaster designers have recognized the problem and have usually installed a crumb tray in the toasters. The crumbs collect in this drawer, a kind of secret compartment. The inconspicuous “handle” can usually be found at the bottom of the device and can be easily pulled out. So, pull out the drawer, empty out the crumbs and put them back in. Just from SFor security reasons, the “secret compartment” should be emptied regularly.

Even if you can hardly believe it: Many people have apparently never heard of the toaster drawer and are downright surprised when they accidentally discover it or are pointed out. Evidence of this abounds on social media. The inventors and designers of the devices are to blame for this. The inventors, because the toaster is self-explanatory and therefore nobody reads the instructions for use with the information about the “secret compartment”. The designers, because they usually hide the “handle” of the crumb tray so skilfully in the housing that it can hardly be seen.

If you are looking for the inventor of the first electric toaster, you will come across different names on the internet. According to that Working Group of Independent Cultural Institutes (AsKI) should the boy Engineer Albert Marsh with the development of a wire made from a nickel-chromium compound in March 1905 Must have been a pioneer for the popular bread maker. In 1909, according to the AsKI, the first electric toaster known to us today, a plug-in toaster from the company “General Electric” and its designer Frank Shailor, in series production in the USA. And almost at the same time, AEG and Rowenta are said to have brought electric toasters onto the market in Germany. We wouldn’t bet that the first toasters already had a crumb tray, though

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