High cholesterol.. Silent signs of its accumulation in the arteries

Posted by Fatima Khalil

Friday, March 10, 2023 02:00 AM

Cholesterol is essential for the formation of healthy cells, however, high amounts of LDL cholesterol harm the body and restrict blood flow, which increases the risk of a heart attack or stroke. ApoplexyIn this report, we learn about silent signs of fat accumulation in the arteries, according to the “Times of India” website.

High cholesterol is called the silent killer because it does not cause symptoms. However, it can lead to health problems that can cause symptoms.

Beware of peripheral arterial disease

Peripheral artery disease is a condition associated with narrowing or blockage of blood vessels due to plaque buildup. This can lead to decreased blood flow to the lower extremities of the body including the legs and feet.

leg pain

PAD can affect the legs and feet and lead to a condition called lameness. This occurs when blood vessels in the lower extremities of the body become narrowed or blocked.

Cold feet and legs

Another indirect sign of high cholesterol is cold feet and legs, even in summer. This may be a sign that you have peripheral arterial disease.

changes in skin color

Decreased blood flow to the legs can also cause discoloration of the skin. This is a result of insufficient blood flow carrying nutrients and oxygen to the legs.

Leg cramps during the night

The person may also experience leg cramps during the night.

Leg or foot ulcers

Have your cholesterol levels checked if you develop leg or foot sores that won’t heal.

Complications associated with high cholesterol

Untreated and unmanaged high cholesterol can increase your risk of heart attack or stroke.

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