Ho-geun Jeong, who became a shaman, “If I don’t receive it, it will go down to my children”

Channel A ‘Oh Eun-young’s Golden Counseling Center’

Channel A ‘Oh Eun-young’s Golden Counseling Center’ © News 1

Actor Jung Ho-geun reveals why he became a shaman.

On Channel A’s ‘Oh Eun-young’s Golden Counseling Center’ scheduled to be broadcast on the afternoon of the 15th, the worries of actor and shaman Jeong Ho-geun will be revealed.

An unexpected ‘customer’ visits the counseling center. The two ‘gods of counseling’, two mountain ranges of the counseling world that boast an overwhelming presence, met. An all-time encounter between Jeong Ho-geun, a 30-year veteran actor and 8-year shaman, and Oh Eun-young, a psychiatrist, will be held.

Jeong Ho-geun, who stared at each person one by one with hawk eyes prior to the consultation, opened a surprise ‘golden shrine’ at the counseling center. It starts as a fortune teller by Park Na-rae, who put a wedge on his eyes, saying, “Even if we have a relationship this year and next year,” and continues to a fortune-teller who made Dr. Eun-Young Oh nod his head. It is said that Jeong Ho-geun, who has foreseen the fate of ‘Golden Counseling Center’, has made the entire crew of the counseling office tense.

In response to the unexpected appearance of a shamanic customer, Jeong Hyung-don asked Dr. In response, Dr. Oh Eun-young explains that Shinnaerim is a phenomenon that is completely different from the disease that needs to be treated, which is included in the disease/diagnosis category, and is ‘possession’ itself.

On this day, Jeong Ho-geun, as a shamanic counselor, shares his sympathy with Oh Eun-young by confiding in her worries that “life is exhausting after hearing only difficult stories.” However, Ho-Geun Jung complains that he not only listens to someone’s story, but that he loses his energy enough to chew a grain of rice like a grain of sand due to various bodily pains while feeling spiritual energy.

In addition, Jeong Ho-geun spit out prophecies without realizing it, and in an anxious heart, he prayed that God would be his hands and feet so he could take responsibility for the words he spit. Eun-young Oh points out that Ho-geun Jeong is a person who compulsively tries to help others, and analyzes that he is trying to take responsibility for the fate of others by living a ‘life that puts others first’ rather than myself.

Oh Eun-young, who wants to find out about Ho-geun Jung and her father, Ho-geun Jeong, to find the source of Ho-geun Jung’s responsibility, learns an anecdote that he tried to choose death out of guilt after leaving his eldest daughter and youngest son first. It points out whether the piercing pain he felt after losing his family a long time ago was not the beginning of Jeong Ho-geun’s obsessive responsibility. Jung Ho-geun also confessed the reason for Shinnae-rim, saying, “If I don’t receive (God), I will go down to my children.”

On the other hand, Jeong Ho-geun does not resent his father who became a shaman from an actor overnight, but expresses his gratitude and regret for his dignified son who acknowledges him, and confesses that there have been many prejudices and misunderstandings about his profession after becoming a shaman. As soon as he became a shaman, he confesses to the broken relationships and the cut off casting in the Red Sea as soon as he becomes a shaman. In response, Dr. Oh Eun-young said, “It was a very lonely and isolated life,” and it is said that he cheered for his life as ‘Human Jeong Ho-geun’ and aroused admiration from everyone.

Meanwhile, Jeong Ho-geun of ‘Oh Eun-young’s Golden Counseling Center’ will be broadcast at 9:30 pm on the 15th.

(Seoul = News 1)

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