Honorary citizen of the municipality VAINO NAPP presented a new book to Raasik

VAINO NAPP, the long-time writer of Koduluo, and his newly published book of war stories “Heroes and Occupants”.

“Heroes and occupiers” is the 19th book written by the patriotic VAINO NAPI.

“This is a completely war-themed book, although the writing was not motivated by what is happening in Ukraine, but it contains my favorite topic – home stories,” said Vaino Napp, an honorary citizen of Raasiku and Rae parishes, who has recorded the history of home stories in nearly twenty books, on the evening of Tuesday, February 28, the newly published “Sangarite and occupiers” at the presentation in Raasik public house.

He explained that it is, as it were, the second part of his book of war stories published two years ago, Heroes and Deserters. In the previous one, he talked about his connection with the war and wrote down the stories of his father, his three brothers and several other relatives and a couple of acquaintances – a total of nine men from the Pikavere district who ended up in the Second World War with different destinies. In the new book, he writes about what happened during the war in his home area, in the village of Pikavere and its surroundings, as well as in some neighboring municipalities.

“All these are stories with someone’s memories – not mine though, I lived through this war from the beginning to the end, but I was still little at the time. But I have had many relatives, members of my family, and I also wrote down the memories of the older villagers,” said Vaino Napp.

He added that these are not stories about heroes, but about the most ordinary people in the rear, where they also suffered and lived through the horrors of war, as well as about private soldiers who were killed en masse on the front as if on a mosquito-warm summer evening: “There is no heroism or patriotism in these stories, as we are usually used to reading war stories. I have not chosen a side, who is right, who is wrong. In my opinion, the war itself is such a wrong thing that it cannot have a right side at all.”

Vaino Napp pointed out – when the term war crime is discussed, the question arises, is war not a crime in its entirety? He is of the opinion that it certainly is.

Referring to the titles of the two war books, the author noted that they should not be taken literally, rather the titles “Sangaris and deserters” and “Sangaris and occupiers” are figurative and contain a good dose of irony.

Read more in the Messenger of March 8.

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