Horrific and exciting secrets in the life of the Egyptian movie star.. She slapped the leader, Adel Imam hard, and betrayed her husband in his absence while he was in prison, and her life ended in a way that Satan would not think!!

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The artist, Laila Shaer, belongs to an artistic family, and her father worked as a sculptor and made a statue of King Farouk, as he worked in Ghoria,

Her mother is a singer at the opera in Paris, but her love for Egypt made her move to Cairo, where she lived with her husband and daughter.

Lily Shaer had been practicing ballet with Russian instructors in Egypt. She was interested in playing sports, so she did yoga in the films Zizi’s Family and The Groom Arrives Tomorrow.

Her artistic career began when she was at a young age and the reason for her entry and experience in this field was Hilda, her mother’s friend, who was shown to her while she was in the hairdresser,

Fateen Abdel Wahab interview, and she got her first opportunity in the cinema to appear in the movie The Zizi Family, in 1963, the movie that made her famous because she embodied the character of a yoga girl in this movie, and her role was distinguished because she was good at playing sports.

She entered the field of art in the sixties, and her father refused her work in the fashion show, but she convinced him and was able to work in both fields.

After the success of her first movie, “The Zizi Family”, she entered the modeling field from the late artist Rajaa Al-Jeddawi, and Salha Aflatoun, one of her mother’s friends, asked her to participate in a fashion show to improve health, after which she rolled shows, and worked with all fashion houses and stores in Egypt .

She stopped throughout the seventies and did not present any artwork because of her marriage, so she married the artist Amr Al-Turgoman, one of the artists whose grace helped them enter the world of art without having enough talent. One Thousand and One Nights, A Woman on the Margins.” After his cinematic failure, he immigrated to Paris and remained there to pursue his business, and did not work again in art.

The artist Ahmed Ramzy mentioned in one of the meetings that he and the artist Amr El-Torgoman had a strong friendship, as he used to sleep together every day, and in one of the evenings between them, the artist Amr El-Torgoman stood and said a joke out loud to President Gamal Abdel Nasser, so all those present laughed and after his return to His house disappeared and did not appear for a short time.

Then his friend Ahmed Ramzy knew that Amr Al-Turgoman was accused of mocking President Gamal Abdel Nasser and was arrested, so Ahmed Ramzy intervened with the authorities and state security and was released, so he decided after his release from prison to immigrate to France and offered his wife Lily Bareer to travel with him, she refused and he left Egypt and did not return one more time.

The artist, Lily Shaer, separated from her first husband, and then married Raouf Abu Asba, and she said about him on the “Satat Maarofush Lie” program, “Everything in my family was old, he did not tell me something that you did not do, and everything went away from me after I died.”

She apologized for participating in the movie “The Yacoubian Building” starring the great artist Adel Imam because her husband was sick and said about him: “At that time, Adel Imam was upset with me.”

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