Horse galloped on Italian highway in rush hour traffic

2023-04-19 18:04:00

A horse galloping down a highway has caused a stir in Italy. A horse escaped on the city highway in Naples in the middle of the morning rush hour, as the highway company announced on Wednesday. Many perplexed drivers pulled out their cell phones and took photos and videos of the unusual sight on the freeway. The footage went viral on social media.

According to media reports, the horse ran around five kilometers at a time and hurried between the commuters and workers who were standing in the morning rush hour. As the highway company announced, the traffic police officers reacted immediately. They followed the animal and made it clear to motorists with hand signals or signs on boards that a full-grown horse was galloping between the cars at high speed.

The detour of the animal on the highway ended according to the information at the height of Fuorigrotta in the southwest of Naples. There it was pushed aside with the help of emergency services’ security vehicles and ultimately directed to the exit. Its owner was able to receive it again at the nearby train station. The sprint on the highway took around 25 minutes, the highway company said. How the animal got onto the road is now being determined.


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