Hot weather prone to urticaria

July 06, 2022 07:00

The onset of urticaria is related to temperature, and hot weather is particularly easy to promote its onset. Therefore, in hot summer, you should be especially careful when this disease strikes. Prevention of urticaria.

Urticaria is a common skin disease, clinically manifested as bright red or pale wheals that occur and resolve rapidly, with itching and burning sensations in the wheals. Due to the serious environmental pollution and the increasingly heavy work and life pressure of Hong Kong people in recent years, the incidence of urticaria in Hong Kong is also increasing. The hot and humid climate in summer, ultraviolet rays, mosquito bites, inhalation of allergens, and the growth of bacteria, molds, viruses and other factors will make the patient’s skin itchy or worse.

Hot weather is easy to cause urticaria, and TCM education and maintenance of the spleen and stomach can help to cure it.

Eating Imbalance

From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, the occurrence of urticaria is related to the invasion of the skin by exogenous pathogens, and those with insufficient righteousness and weak spleen and stomach are prone to the disease. Factors such as mental stress, excessive anxiety, improper diet, and frequent love of cold drinks will damage the spleen. , making urticaria more likely to develop.

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Among them, neuropsychiatric factors are closely related to the pathogenesis of urticaria, especially in modern people, the disease is often caused by high work pressure, mental stress, insomnia, fatigue, etc., and the incidence of children is not only related to heredity, but also to the insufficiency of the spleen and stomach. Adults and children with repeated skin problems or long-term age should seek medical treatment from a Chinese medicine practitioner, prescribe the right medicine, and obtain appropriate treatment as soon as possible.
Relieve symptoms in a timely manner

Here are three remedies to help relieve symptoms such as hives, itchy skin, and more:

‧Heat-clearing silver flower tea

Materials: 10 grams of mustard corn, 5 grams of honeysuckle, 5 grams of chrysanthemum, and appropriate amount of boiling water.

Preparation method: Rinse the material with water, add boiling water to bake for 15 minutes, and brew the tea for future generations.

Efficacy: clearing away heat and removing dampness and relieving itching.

Applicable symptoms: acute onset of skin itching, unpleasant itching, accompanied by bitter and greasy mouth, unpleasant appetite, dry stool, short red urine, restless sleep at night, general malaise, etc., and red tongue, yellow and greasy coating, Symptoms such as slippery pulse or slippery string.

‧Ansui Ning Kamiyu

Material: 15 grams of cooked jujube kernels, 15 grams of Fushen, 15 grams of yam, 10 grams of lily, 6 grams of lotus seeds, 2 candied dates, appropriate amount of water, and 1 catties of pork bones can be added.

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Preparation method: After washing all the ingredients (if adding pork bones, boil water first), put them in a clay pot, add an appropriate amount of water, bring to a boil over high heat, then cook over low heat for two hours, and season with salt.

Efficacy: soothes the liver and relieves depression, calms the heart and calms the nerves.

Applicable symptoms: people with recurrent urticaria due to neuropsychiatric factors, those who are usually stressed at work, and those who are prone to nervousness or insomnia.

‧Spleen and dampness soup

Ingredients: 15 grams of tuckahoe, 10 grams of yam, 10 grams of gorgonian, 6 grams of lotus seeds, 10 grams of red bean, 10 grams of white lentils, 10 grams of coix seed, 2 candied dates, appropriate amount of water, and 1 catties of pork bones.

Preparation method: After washing all the ingredients (if adding pork bones, boil water first), put them in a clay pot, add an appropriate amount of water, bring to a boil over high heat, then cook over low heat for two hours, and season with salt.

Efficacy: invigorating Qi and spleen, removing dampness and relieving itching.

Applicable symptoms: long course of disease, accompanied by symptoms such as drowsiness in the limbs, chest tightness and indigestion, tasteless and greasy mouth, thin stool, pale tongue, white greasy coating, wet pulse and other symptoms. It is common in children with insufficient spleen and stomach functions or adults with repeated skin problems for several years.

Note: Consult a physician before drinking.

Daily preventive care

1. Regardless of acute urticaria or chronic urticaria, scratching and scalding should be avoided.

2. The bathing time should not be long, and the water temperature should not be overheated.

3. Minimize or avoid hot and irritating foods such as chili, onion, ginger, garlic, pepper, and strong liquor as much as possible. Fried and fatty foods are also not suitable. Eat more vegetables and fruits, such as yam, lotus seeds, Dates, pears, water chestnuts, honey, American ginseng, lily, Polygonatum japonica, ginseng and other foods that strengthen the spleen and qi, nourish yin and promote body fluid. map map

4. Avoid contact with allergens, avoid using or eating allergenic foods or medicines.

5. Maintain a regular schedule and keep your mind relaxed.

Text: Zhang Yong, founder of Shangyitang

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