House spiders don’t often show up in the spring, except when you’re cleaning

2023-04-17 10:19:00

Four house spiders in the house in a week, that’s quite a lot. I found two of them in the hallway, one was in the toilet, the fourth in the bedroom. I moved them all to an old playhouse in the garden, where they no longer play. Playhouse spiders.

I also heard from a friend that she had two house spiders. She hadn’t put them outside because she didn’t dare get them. So they stayed in the house. Strange that people leave the spiders alone for fear of spiders. As long as they don’t show up.

House spiders are those hairy whoppers. They sometimes suddenly explore the room, but usually they are hidden behind a plinth. There they live behind a web in which they catch silverfish, for example. I caught and moved the spiders into a jar, which I placed over the spider. A sheet of paper or cardboard underneath and voila.

Now there are only females

That is easy because usually those spiders sit motionless. Only when you hinder them, they suddenly run away at lightning speed. That is guaranteed to cause shock reactions in humans, including screeches and hands in the hair. David frightens Goliath. I’m not that afraid of spiders myself, although I don’t like to pick up such a firm house spider with my bare hand.

It’s not that spring is the perfect time for those house spiders to show up. I see them more often in the fall. Then house spiders go for a walk, looking for a partner. The males also run around. Males have a slightly smaller body than females, but even longer legs – they can grow up to two inches.

Males are there in late summer and autumn, now there are only females. But I had vacuumed and mopped the whole house and such activities disrupt a house spider’s daily routine. The friend said she had also just vacuumed. House spiders don’t show themselves so much in the spring, but they do show up after spring cleaning. Household spiders.

Three times a week, biologist Koos Dijksterhuis writes about something that grows or blooms. Read his previous Nature Diaries here.

#House #spiders #dont #show #spring #youre #cleaning

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