how a screening bus tries to reduce risk

Clement Bargain
modified to

09h06, 24 November 2022

Fighting against cardiovascular accidents in women: this is the objective that the endowment fund ‘Agir pour le Cœur des Femmes’ has set itself. To achieve this, the organization is carrying out an itinerant screening and prevention operation against cardiovascular diseases, the largest ever carried out in France.

In Bobigny, barely entering the women’s heart bus rose, Françoise is taken care of by a nurse. “She just pricked my finger to control cholesterol, diabetes,” she says at the microphone of Europe 1.

This action, developed by the Agir pour le Cœur des Femmes endowment fund, aims to save the lives of 10,000 women in 5 years. A major operation: cardiovascular accidents are the leading cause of death in women. For the organization, it is important to improve the care.

“80% of cardiovascular accidents are preventable”

On board the bus, the control of blood sugar and lipids is one of the ten stages of the screening course carried out by Mouna. “What we basically do is all that is blood screening which effectively allows us to detect possible diabetes and a lipid profile which allows us to see if indeed there are problems at the level of what is commonly called cholesterol,” says the nurse.

Added to this are, among other things, a gynecological examination and an interview with doctors. “Identifying cardiovascular and gynecological risk factors makes it possible to offer a personalized assessment to each woman and behind dedicated care. 80% of cardiovascular accidents are avoidable”, explains Professor Claire Mounier-Vehier, cardiologist and vascular doctorco-founder of Acting for Women’s Hearts.

Among these women, some are not followed. This is the case of Marie, 65 years old. “Doppler ultrasound revealed plaques in the carotid artery. I didn’t expect that.” Thanks to this screening, Marie will be able to be taken care of quickly by specialists.

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