How are we really different from monkeys?

The similarity between humans and monkeys in the genotype is 98%. But the remaining 2%, according to scientists, would not cease to play a role even after 250,000 generations.

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Despite some external similarities, humans are very different from primates. For example, monkeys do not tend to walk straight, for them this process is unnatural. It is convenient for a person to walk on two legs.

An equally important difference is the position of the larynx. In humans, it occupies a lower position to the mouth than in any other primate species. The fat layer and the skin, which is attached to the muscular frame, bring us closer to marine mammals than to monkeys.

The structure of the genital organs also varies. In humans, it lacks cartilage, unlike male primates. In addition, face-to-face sexual contact is not natural for monkeys, but this position is very popular among humans. Also, innate instincts allow males to recognize that the female is ready for fertilization. And primates don’t go through menopause.

Despite the genetic similarity, it is unacceptable to compare humans with primates.

It is impossible to compare a person with monkeys, despite the similarity in the genotype by 98%. According to scientists, it is impossible to get rid of differences of 2% even after 250,000 generations. These data refute the theory of human origin from primates.

In addition to the number of genes, their size differs. The human genome is 12% smaller than the chimpanzee genome, and the difference in their activity in the cerebral cortex is 17.4%. The number of chromosomes also differ. Humans have 46 of them, while monkeys have 48. British scientists have determined that the FOXP2 gene plays an important role in the formation of the human speech apparatus. The introduction of this gene into a monkey did not result in the chimpanzee being able to speak.

The lack of speech in primates is also due to the fact that in the brain of monkeys there are no speech centers and association zones that people have. The fact is that the brain of primates is almost 3 times smaller than the human brain. Monkeys also lack the lateral frontal pole of the prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for planning, task differentiation, and decision making.

Some primates are able to hear sounds at frequencies up to 90,000 Hz, while the human limit is 20,000 Hz. People are able to relate sounds to each other and guess their identical sequence in different keys. Monkeys are not capable of this – a melodic pattern will be unrecognizable for them when changing tones up or down.


Primates are able to hang on trees and move around them almost from birth, unlike humans, who are born helpless. It takes a long time for people to start eating and walking on their own. It also requires being surrounded by other people in order to learn the basic things for existence.

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