How do Crossfitters sculpt their steely physiques? 6 little-known factors to apply in your workouts

2023-12-17 11:00:52

Let’s be honest, there’s something to envy about the musculature of CrossFiters.

They are really strong, have huge quadriceps, visible abs and even their backs are perfectly muscular. Their physique is, in other words, impeccable.

But how did they achieve this dream body? In this article, we analyze and detail a CrossFit workout and seek to understand the reasons for achieving this elite stature.

The benefits of CrossFit on the body

CrossFit can lead to incredible physical transformations and better physical condition. Indeed :

  • We become stronger, faster and more toned;
  • We fight against joint aging with optimal flexibility and mobility;
  • We take care of our heart by increasing our cardiovascular capacity and endurance;
  • Muscle mass increases due to mechanical stress imposed on muscle fibers;
  • We give our body the benefit of a phenomenal workout.

6 reasons explaining this incredible physical transformation

#1: a very varied program

A CrossFit program involves a crazy amount of variation: one day, athletes do a lot of repetitions while the next they limit themselves to 5, and the next day they do 2 kilometers of rowing, pumps, elliptical bike.

In short, you will have understood, the reasons for this perfectly athletic appearance lie in the variation of the exercises.

First of all, when you practice a multitude of different exercises, fatigue is very real because on donne son maximum to each of them.

Ensuite, we use various muscle groupswhich allows you to work the entire body so that the muscles are perfectly balanced.

#2: the perfect balance between dose and volume

According to researchers, there is a strong link between increasing the number of sets and building muscle and strength.

THE bodybuilders have understood this principle for a long time and CrossFit enthusiasts are also getting into it in order to get that more chiseled body.

Indeed, a meta-analysis sought to understand, across 15 separate studies, the effects of total weekly resistance training volume on changes in muscle mass. It appears that :

  • Weekly sets offer significant changes in muscle size;
  • Each additional series involves a additional muscle gain ;
  • We observe a regression in muscle mass by doing a lower number of series.

The conclusion is that there is indeed a graded dose-response relationship that an increase in resistance training volume produces greater gains in terms ofmuscular hypertrophy.

#3: Range of Motion for Visible Results

CrossFit involves large amplitude functional movements, that is to say movements requiring several joints and muscle groups at the same time. This approach offers a multitude of bodily benefits:

  • Greater muscle activation and global solicitation contributing to muscle growth and harmonious development of the entire body;
  • At high intensity, they boost the production d’hormones growth and testosterone, both essential for muscle growth and body definition;
  • They allow you to use more muscles and therefore increase the calorie expenditure for a toned, fat-free silhouette;
  • A mechanical tension more important which is the cause of micro-damage at the level of the muscle fibers. When these regenerate, they become more solid and voluminous.

Wide and varied movements therefore contribute to developing a more muscular and better defined stature, and the variety of stimuli prevents plateau (or stagnation) effects that occur when the body adapts to the required efforts.

This therefore explains why CrossFit aficionados are the specialists in full range of motion squats.

This exercise allows you to work many muscle groups in depth, causing greater mechanical tension with the effect of strengthening and lengthening the muscles.

#4: endurance to always surpass yourself more

Explosive, large-amplitude movements are certainly beneficial, but CrossFit has the added benefit of integrating endurance as an essential component of training.

This endurance has many advantages:

  • The cardiorespiratory system is stimulated, which allows you to gradually extend the duration of sports sessions over time and benefit fromprogressive training ;
  • It allows you to burn more calories and fat, which contributes to a reduction of fat mass with more visible muscles;
  • High-intensity endurance sessions induce greater muscular and metabolic fatigue, thereby stimulating growth and muscular resistance.

While some workouts either work on strength (like bodybuilding) or cardio (like running), crossfit is the perfect combination of the two and offers the body the benefits of various sporting activities.

#5: sports recovery

In the minds of many people, a day of non-sport is equated with laziness and can only lead to regression.

However, it is quite the opposite that occurs since Resting helps increase your muscle mass! And crossfitters have understood this well.

Indeed, the recovery phase is essential to any CrossFit program because it contributes significantly to the development of muscle mass, to the improvement of performance, but also to the prevention of injuries because:

  • Muscle fibers suffer micro-damage during an intense workout session and repair is a key process for their development: the muscles rebuild and adapt in order to become stronger;
  • The rest period is also conducive to protein synthesisa process by which the body creates new muscle proteins helping to increase muscle mass and strength;
  • Intense training can cause physical and mental stress which can lead to constant overexertion, excessive fatigue, reduced performance and increased risk of injury. The recovery phase therefore allows fight against overtraining giving the body the necessary time to adapt and recover.

#6: a self-motivating community

If there’s one thing that CrossFit is known for, it’s the camaraderie and mutual support between the athletes, which strong feeling of belonging to a group which allows increase motivation tenfold.

And who says motivation, says regular training, and when you train persistently over the long term, the effects are even more visible on your stature.

But you should also know that the culture CrossFit is not just confined to the four walls of the gym, it extends to your plate.

Nutrition is in fact at the heart of the sports program and when it is associated with a community of followers exchanging their recipes, their secrets and motivating each other together, the chances of success are all the greater.

So if you want to preparean ideally muscular dream body between now and the next summer season, you know what you have to do!

sport-cat-date-updated">Updated by Emma on:15/12/2023

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