How Guangzhou thwarted Omicron | Blog Post

The epidemic in Shanghai has affected the whole country. On April 17, there was a news about the epidemic in Guangzhou, which did not attract much attention. On the same day, the Guangzhou Health and Construction Commission announced that the transmission chain of the epidemic in Guangzhou was clear, and the main transmission branches were basically controlled. Outside Baiyun District, middle schools can resume classes in an orderly manner. From the announcement of the Guangzhou Health and Construction Commission, it can be seen that the epidemic situation in Guangzhou is under control.

This wave of epidemics in Guangzhou has attracted attention from the outside world after the Baiyun District of Guangzhou issued the city’s first announcement of nucleic acid testing for all staff on the evening of April 8. Subsequently, Yuexiu, Tianhe and other districts successively announced nucleic acid testing. By the morning of April 9, the 11 districts of Guangzhou had fully rolled out nucleic acid testing. That night, I also began to see online photos of people rushing to buy goods in supermarkets.

Since Guangzhou is close to Hong Kong, and many Hong Kong people live there, it was also during the outbreak of the epidemic in Shanghai, people couldn’t help but feel impetuous, which made the outside world think about the question of “whether Guangzhou can hold Omicron”.

On the morning of the 9th, I asked a friend who lives in Tianhe District. He said that he would queue up early in the morning to get tested. He described: “Everyone is rushing out to line up for testing. Maybe they are afraid that there will be an endless epidemic situation like Shanghai.” He said. After I took the samples, I went to Shenzhen to see my friends, and only went to Guangzhou at night, which means there was no problem in leaving Guangzhou at that time.

On the 14th, I contacted my friend who lives in Tianhe District. Tianhe lives in a non-risk area (the high-risk area is Baiyun District). Starting from the 9th, Tianhe District will do 3 nucleic acid tests in 7 days. The “test code” and “test code” are basically valid for 48 hours, while high-risk industries such as takeaways require a 24-hour nucleic acid test. People who come to Guangzhou from other places must have a valid negative nucleic acid result within 48 hours to enter. After arriving in Guangzhou, they must be tested again within 24 hours, otherwise the health code will become a “yellow code” and it will be difficult to move.

Guangzhou announced at a press conference on the 17th that face-to-face courses will resume on the 20th, which shows that health officials are confident that the epidemic is under control, and they have basically moved towards “dynamic clearing”.

I checked the epidemic report in Guangzhou throughout April, and found that there had been sporadic cases imported from other provinces from the 1st, until April 4th, the situation was a bit abnormal, because in Baiyun District, a positive patient was found earlier. Report a close contact of a positive case of a truck driver in Guangzhou from outside the province. I guess the health authorities are raising the “alarm” because there is local transmission. At the same time, in addition to Baiyun District, there have also been cases in the key routine nucleic acid testing and screening in Panyu District, which may have more than one transmission chain. After that, the number of positive cases in Baiyun District began to increase, and it is believed that Baiyun District has begun a large-scale nucleic acid investigation at this time. On April 8, positive cases were also found in Huadu and Tianhe districts. Although they all came back from other provinces or were related to other provinces, because the patients have entered the community, in order to achieve “early detection, early reporting, early isolation, early Treatment, the so-called “Four Mornings” measures, means that a large screening test was decided in the evening, and the nucleic acid test of all staff in District 11 on April 9th.

However, it should be noted that when conducting a large-scale investigation and testing, not all Guangzhou is closed, but Baiyun District is mainly closed, and the rest of the districts with cases are only closed to the streets near the residence of the confirmed patients.

How can Guangzhou achieve effective full-staff testing without closing the city? Just relying on the “yellow code” system, just like my friend, he can go to Shenzhen for a day after the test, but if he doesn’t do the second round of tests within 48 hours, it will become a “yellow code”, don’t say leave In Guangzhou, even if you enter supermarkets and restaurants in the city, you can’t get on the bus.

Since April 9, the number of positive cases detected in Guangzhou has been increasing, but most of them are in Baiyun District. Therefore, in the past 10 days, there is no need to add spicy food to other areas. In the past three days, only cases were found in Baiyun District. Therefore, the health department has judged that the transmission chain has been clear and the social aspect has been initially cleared.

The fundamental purpose of dynamic clearing is to discover an epidemic, put out an epidemic, and prevent the epidemic from “taking root” locally.

The epidemic in Guangzhou is a good case, how to implement “dynamic clearing” under the premise that it cannot be contained.

Li Tong

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