How inequality in the distribution of medical specialists impacts Córdoba – Commerce and Justice

A study determined that 72% of those specializing in general medicine, pediatrics, and medical clinics in the country are concentrated in four jurisdictions: Córdoba, the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, the Province of Buenos Aires, and Santa Fe.

The approach to health from a comprehensive approach requires specialist training that includes social, cultural, environmental and economic factors (determinants, in terms of health) of each context. to understand and act on each of the realities in which the health professional works.

A) Yes, training in comprehensive general medicine emphasizes the first level of care; with a strategic vision of the importance of this first level and its real incidence in the development of a health system that, today in our country, is characterized by its decentralization, understood as a transfer of responsibilities, capacities and/or resources from a higher level of government to a lower one.

Health promotion, disease prevention, the ability to make decisions in situations of uncertainty and respect for the diversity and multiculturalism of the population are core competencies required by the general medicine professional to understand the social context, historical, political and economic in which it will develop its practice and the conditions in which it develops. For this reason, Having primary care specialties throughout the country is very important to improve the health conditions ofand the different populations.

Nevertheless, Seven out of 10 (72%) specialist doctors -general medicine, pediatrics, medical clinic- in Primary Health Care (PHC) in Argentina are concentrated in four jurisdictions: Córdoba, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires (CABA), Province of Buenos Aires and Santa Feaccording to a study carried out by specialists in Public Health Pedro and Martín Silberman, from the Arturo Jauretche National University (UNAJ). The data was released yesterday through Argentina Investiga.

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