How much water is important to drink per day?

2023-08-04 20:26:33

With temperature variations throughout the summer and certain heat peaks, it can sometimes be more complicated to monitor your level of hydration. Here is how much water it is important to drink and how much not to exceed.

For our body, water helps regulate temperature, lubricate joints and protect our organs and tissues.

“Our bodies are largely made up of water — that must tell you something,” family physician Dr. Alexa Mieses Malchuk reminded CBS News.

How much water is it recommended to drink per day?

While many people have heard of the “eight glasses a day” rule, it’s just a general rule, according to Dr. Mieses Malchuk, who says the body might need more.

«[La quantité d’eau] actually depends on the size of the person, their level of activity, what they eat and even the weather,” she explained to the media.

Daily water recommendations vary between 2.7 and 3.7 liters, taking into account water that also comes from other drinks and foods.

Is it possible to drink too much water?

It can happen that someone consumes more water than their body needs, but this is a fairly rare problem.

Too much water ingested, however, can create hyponatremia, which is water poisoning or water intoxication.

“If you have too much water, water will be pushed into the cells to balance the concentrations of sodium and other electrolytes,” mentioned Dr. Mahesh Polavarapu, medical director of the New York-Presbyterian Westchester Emergency Department.

“So brain cells and other body cells start to swell,” he added.

It is therefore recommended not to drink more than six glasses per hour.

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