How painful it is to warm one with his memories, damn the frosty times

Posted by the Syrian actorAyman ZidaneHis collection of stories, which he attends, through his own account on the social networking site.

Zidan said: “When he fell with his ax on the trunk of the old oak tree, his eyes sank with a source of pain.. As soon as the blade pierced the body of the dead tree, his soul was invaded by images from the ancient time.. his father’s steps and the old plow.. his grandmother’s nap under her lush shadows.. his primitive swing that was The still space moved around him… his first whispers to his bride.”
Actor Ayman Zeidan continued his story, pointing to the value of memories on people: “He stopped the flow of memories by force, so he felt the pain and tingling of his tired soul and blamed his ax that had stolen the green of the oak and its water…. One of the cold nights, he threw some of its branches into the mud stove, and he was overwhelmed with great sadness.. and he muttered to himself: How painful it is to warm one with his memories… Damn the times of frost.

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