How strong is Anatoly, Tiktok’s most famous floor technician, really?

2023-08-05 12:57:26

You’ve probably already enjoyed a video of Anatoly on your favorite social network…

What a pleasure to hear the famous “Can I clean here” and to see big guys dumbfounded by this wacky surface technician… no doubt that his Machiavellian laugh must still haunt the minds of the first pranks.

How does said Anatoly be so strong?

Are his videos faked?

No, maybe staged, at most (especially since it must be difficult now not to be recognized immediately), but no false weight!

So how can a 75 kg “little guy” lift as much weight as the famous Larry Wheels which is twice its weight?

Vladimir, a powerlifting champion

You may not know it, but Vladimir Shmonenko, aka Anatoly is a powerlifter.

Roughly speaking, being as massive as possible hardly interests him, what he wants is to develop his strength and his neuromuscular efficiency.

Like any good powerlifter, he trains specifically to achieve this goal and his program is nothing like that of the go muscu in your gym.

To make it very, very simple, Vladimir favors series of short repetitions (2-3), very heavy and with a long recovery time.

Clearly, powerbuilding and bodybuilding are two completely different sports, the participants have the same jersey, but not the same passion.

Read also: Who is Anatoly, this featherweight with superhuman strength who ridicules the biggest guys in the gym?

How strong is Anatoly?

To answer this question, remember that Vladimir started bodybuilding at the age of 16 with the means at hand.

Very quickly, he became passionate about powerlifting and started competing.

He thus won second place in the “2018 GPA World competition” at 18 years old and at 75 kg, he sent at the time:

150 kg squat, 122.5 kg bench press, 195 kg deadlift.

In these competitions, a total is drawn up to classify the participants, that of Vlad then amounted to 467.5 kg.

Now he is 24 years old, 180cm tall and weighs 78kg.

His last competition was in 2020 and here are his current records:

210 kg in squat, which would place him in the top 12.7% of competitors in his category, 145 kg in bench press, which would place him in the top 15.7% of competitors in his category, 290 kg in deadlift earth, which would place him in the top 1.2% of competitors in his category,

We can clearly see that the deadlift (which he does in sumo) is his best weapon!

Even if Vladimir Shmonenko could recreate these totals in competitions (which seems difficult) it would make him a total of 645kg, i.e. the 333ᵉ highest total in its category.

You can even have fun calculating your Wilks score (invented by Robert Wilks), which measures strength in powerlifting compared to other athletes of different body weights and of both sexes.

A Wilks score of 447.57 for Anatoly, not bad at all, but there are (much) better on the market!

This one would be 447.57, which clearly places it at the top of the basket… but relatively far behind the best in the field.

By way of example, the one that is perhaps the most impressive is the 1ᵉʳ in the world under 74 kg: Taylor Atwood.

With a body weight of 73.6 kg, he has a total of… get your neck wet… 838.5 kg (303 kg in the squat, 195 kg in the bench press and 340.5 kg in the deadlift) for a Wilks score is 609.05!!!!

By our house, our Frenchie Panagiotis Taridinis (aka @thepanash) has a squat at 247.5kg, a bench at 172.5kg and a deadlift at 285kg, for a total of 705kg, all with a bodyweight of 66kg (score of Wilks is 553.56).

Anatoly, not the king of force, but of farce!

In sum, Vladimir is definitely very strong, no doubt about it.

But many humans are even stronger than him in his weight category (very few, however, when it comes only to deadlifts).

Beyond that, he was able to find a very strong concept with impressive lifts and a character as endearing as it is fun.

One thing is certain, it’s the strongest cleaner in the world!

Updated by Quentin on: 05/08/2023

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