How the alert continues for the Villarrica volcano in Chile, near Neuquén

2023-12-26 10:50:13

The Villarrica volcano located in Chile and close to the south of the province of Neuquén, This Sunday, it registered an increase in the dynamics of its flows and registered a yellow alert. From the organization they reported how the activity continues.

On Sunday, in the run-up to Christmas, Chilean authorities monitored a “notable increase in background tremor” in the activity of the Villarrica volcanowhich is a direct impact of the activity of its flows.

For this reason, Sernageomin reported that The yellow technical alert is maintainedwhich applies to the communes of Lonquimay, Curacautín, Collipulli, Vilcún, Melipeuco, Cunco, Villarrica, Pucón and Curarrehue due to electrical storms.

The volcano is located 775 kilometers from Santiago, near the Mamuil Malal pass, about 138 km from Villa la Angostura. It is an open crater 200 meters in diameter, which contains a lava lake between 100 and 150 meters deep.

This Tuesday, The authorities pointed out that the Villarrica volcano, which affects communities located in La Araucanía and Los Ríos, “remains on yellow alert and has a radius of potential impact of 500 meters with respect to the active crater.

If a greater increase in activity is evaluated, the authorities They could raise the alert to orange.

#alert #continues #Villarrica #volcano #Chile #Neuquén

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