How the ‘unfaithful mode’ of WhatsApp works that everyone wants to use

WhatsApp It is one of the best known and used mobile messaging applications all over the world. The tool, owned by Metahas millions of users and, despite the passing of the years, has managed to maintain a privileged position in the market, largely due to its constant updates and new features, with which it adapts to current needs.

But, in addition to the updates and news that keep coming to WhatsApp, the application also has a series of tricks that make life easier for many people. For example, there is one that allows us to have two accounts and that some have taken advantage of to ‘deceive’ people close to them, either with good or bad intentions.

This trick, which has been dubbed ‘cheating mode‘, since not a few have used it precisely to cheat on their partners, it can also be very useful for celebrating surprise parties or for keeping private or confidential conversations safe.

And how it works?

How to activate the ‘unfaithful mode’

To activate the ‘unfaithful mode’ you have to follow the following steps:

  • Access in the general settings of the mobile phone to ‘advanced features‘, regardless of whether we use an Android or iOS device.
  • Activate ‘Dual applications’ o ‘dual messaging‘.
  • Find the WhatsApp application and apply the option there.
  • Once this is done, you will see a new app WhatsApp in which you will have to register again and you can do it with the same phone number.

Thus we will have two applications of WhatsApp different ones in which we can have different conversations. Perhaps it can be useful to have one for work and another for friends, for private conversations with your doctor or with your accountant, etc.

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