How to Disable Delivery Optimization on Windows 11

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Optimization of deliveries is a Windows feature that helps you download your updates quickly and easily. It works by providing updates from non-Microsoft sources, reducing the bandwidth or time needed to get updates.

However, this can become a problem if you are using metered connections. This is why, in some cases, it may actually be better to disable Delivery Optimization in your Windows. Let’s learn how.


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Disable delivery optimization via settings

To open the Settings app, go to The start menu search bar, type in “parameters” and select the best match. Alternatively, press the Touche Windows + I.

Now head to the Update and security section and select Advanced options. Then click on the Delivery Optimization link below.

To turn off delivery optimization, turn off the “Allow downloads from other PCs” button on your PC. This will then prevent your Windows from downloading updates from non-Windows sources.

delivery optimizationdelivery optimization

Disable delivery optimization over a metered connection

When you’re on a metered connection, your operating system automatically disables streaming optimization. So all you have to do is activate the Metered connection functionality through your Ethernet settings. Do this and you can easily disable delivery optimization on your PC. Here’s how.

  1. Open Windows Settings.
  2. Head toward Network & Internet section and select the network you want to set as a metered connection.
  3. Activate the button to Metered connection.

ethernet settingsethernet settingsethernet settings

That’s it. Do this and your Windows will disable Delivery Optimization whenever you’re on a metered connection from now on.

Disabling Delivery Optimization on Windows

Delivery Optimization is a Windows feature that increases the speed at which updates are downloaded to your PC. A good feature on its own, however, it can cause issues if you have a limited amount of data. I hope this short guide has helped you to disable Delivery Optimization on your PC without any problems and save your data accordingly.

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