How to Easily Remove Burnt Sugar from Gas Surfaces: Simple Tricks and Tips for Housewives

2023-06-08 16:51:34

Follow-up _ Lama Nasr:

Housewives are always looking for the perfect way to remove burnt sugar from the gas surface. As this is considered one of the most difficult daily tasks that you will face in the kitchen.

Don’t worry. From our article, we will introduce you to a very simple trick that you can try to remove burnt sugar from the surface of the gas.

– First and foremost, you should know that burnt sugar stains must be cleaned and wiped as soon as possible after spilling and before it dries and hardens.

Then put an appropriate amount of water in a pot over medium heat and bring to a boil.

Then wet a piece of microfiber cloth with boiling water and start wiping the burnt sugar. The heat of boiling water will melt the sugar and remove it easily.

After completing this step, if there are still more stubborn stains, mix some baking soda with some white vinegar. Then put the mixture on the gas surface and leave it until it boils. Then wipe off the remaining stains. You can also light the gas to heat the surrounding area. This will make it easier for you to remove the burnt sugar.

#simplest #trick #remove #burnt #sugar #surface #gas.

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